Welcome to the board whiskeyjack.
Hope you enjoy it here.
heya bro, its me, the little sister just saying welcome to the forum and i checked out your posts so far, pretty well put i must say.
to anyone wondering, whiskeyjack is my older brother.
glad to have a family member aboard, he he.
Welcome to the board whiskeyjack.
Hope you enjoy it here.
this site has been a place that i have visited many times.. i would like to make some friends and meet local people.. to blondie ... words cannot explain how much i appreciate.
the reviews.
i can see so clearly how the studies keep members.
Welcome to the board xjwms.
there has been a few new to board so what's one more?
i've been reading the board for a few weeks and i'm impressed at the amount of research that goes into many of postings.
there are two topics that really get me going, one is "607 bce".
Welcome to the board MJL.
Hope you enjoy your stay.
well the big day is finaly upon me.i know i have'nt been posting these last few day's i been in a lot of pain,to sit and my pc, so i just wanted you all to know that it will be at least 3 weeks until i get home.i will be thinking of about all of you and my son has promised me that he will update every few days here
all my love.
orange fat cat.
Thanks for letting us know how she is doing.
So glad to hear all is going well. At least the pain she feels now will go away in time.
Send our love and best wishes and tell her to hurry up and get back here.
well the big day is finaly upon me.i know i have'nt been posting these last few day's i been in a lot of pain,to sit and my pc, so i just wanted you all to know that it will be at least 3 weeks until i get home.i will be thinking of about all of you and my son has promised me that he will update every few days here
all my love.
orange fat cat.
Best wishes for a safe and smooth surgery and super speedy recovery. You will do just fine. In no time at all you will be running up and down the halls of the hospital with your little behind showing out the back of those silly little hospital gowns.
Good Luck and keep us posted.
and fell back to sleep in seconds.. thump!
maybe it is over, he thought and he went back into bed.
i got here late last night with one hope, to get some rest.
Welcome to the board Pimpster,
I really enjoyed reading your story. Great ending. Got any more?
does your life have a purpose or are you just existing?
over the years i've learned to extract the good out of bad situations and it has given me a different perspective on life.
life is all about learning.
I just exist. I have always wanted to live but still just end up existing.
damn that boy can eat you would have thought he walked all the way from new york his last designation!
in his defense he's also a worker, he's trimmed our cedar trees, walked the dog, cleaned up the dog's poop, did the dishes (sorry about his arms falling off, they are paper ya know), oh and he did the dishes after he cooked the dinner.........gawd do i really have to part with him?
all in all he's a great little guy, doesn't talk much, is very well behaved and doesn't take up much room either, so anyone interested in having flat stanley be a guest please pm me with your addy first to reply is the winner but get in line for the next designation after.. here is the original link explaining all about flat stanley: .
I think Flat Stanley may like a trip to Kentucky. I have lots of food..................and a few chores he can do. So if he needs to travel after Morty let me know.
my family took me out to dinner for my birthday(69th) and it was really great.
i could feel the love they had for me.
it made me feel like i was appreciated and my life wasn't wasted.
Happy Birthday Ken
ok ... to me it's not totally related to jw life actually, i'm here because i'm used now to chat with people (you know like you go into a cafe and share wathever you want with whoever as this board is very rich and full for immediat interaction), support them, get some support ... i just like that ... also of course it's very interesting at the same time to follow some news and get information that i might spit back to my familly in time to wake them up .... what about you ?
I?m happy you did appreciate the topic itself ? and kiss you all ON THE ASS !!!
ROTFL........you are to cute